there are some common mistakes that people make. Here are a few weight loss mistakes to avoid:
If you are on your weight loss juriney, then watch out of these 7 common mistakes that might be killing your result.
Those who are beginners to exercising often fall victim to this mistake. Not having the correct form while workoing out can slow down your result.
People who want to prectice calorie deficit often end up skipping meals to cut down on calories, which is counterproductive as it slows down the metabolism.
Taking stress releases the cortisol hormone in the body, which can slow your metabolism and make it harder for you to con
Do not assume that only those who are looking to get a muscular body need protein. Not eating enough protein can deteriorate muscle health.
Anyone can get overhyped in the gym to get quick result. But remember your body requires rest to replenish its energy levels.
Drinking enough water can give you a boost in your weight loss jurney. It will keep up your energy and also ward off cravings.
If your are new to your weight loss jurney, it is important to consult your doctor before making any big changes in your routine